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Quality Commitment
Gracor Language Service, Inc. strives to provide superior linguistic services in proficiency testing, interpretation and translation; and to assist clients by completing projects in a prompt manner, without compromising quality and customer service.
We are committed to continual improvement of our services. It is essential that we meet or exceed our customers’ expectations and all other applicable requirements for our industry.
The above statement is not just Gracor’s Quality Policy but the heartbeat of the company. Gracor believes so much in providing quality service that it is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
Gracor is proud to have achieved ISO 9001:2015 Certification. It is an outward indication of our internal long-term commitment to providing our clients and partners with superior service.
By being ISO certified, Gracor proves a small minority-owned business can provide large corporation level quality management to our customers.
ISO certification demonstrates the highest commitment to quality management and processes. Gracor is proud to have achieved this status, and in doing so provides our clients extra confidence when partnering with us.
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